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    20 2024.03
杜彦君 研究员、博士生导师
日期:2024.03.20 点击:



E-mail: yanjun.du@hainanu.edu


2011年博士毕业于中国科学院植物研究所并留所工作,2018年4月就职海南大学热带农林学院。担任海南绿岛热带雨林公益基金会理事、世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)“生物多样性关键区域”中国专家组委员、海南国家公园研究院专业委员会副秘书长、国家林草局海南长臂猿研究中心理事、中国林学会国家公园分会常务理事、中国林学会热带雨林分会常务理事、中国林学会森林生态分会理事。任《Tropical Plants》、《Journal of Modern Agriculture and Biotechnology》、《Annals of Applied Sciences》、《生态学杂志》、《广西植物》、《热带生物学报》编委。主笔国家公园等调研报告多次获得海南省委书记、副书记、省长、副省长的正面批示。




已发表学术论文60余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文22篇(中科院一区12篇),包括在国际林学领域综合排名第2的期刊Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2篇,国际著名生态学期刊Global Ecology and Biogeography, Ecography, Functional Ecology, Journal of Biogeography。主持国家自然科学面上项目、地区基金、青年基金,科技部重点研发子课题等十余项。



2. 湖北省:湖北神农架申报世界自然遗产项目,2014/06-2016/06, 24万元,已结题,主持

3. 外交部:中国-东盟泥炭地管理合作研究,2016/03-2016/09, 5万,已结题,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:利用标本研究物候对气候变化的响应,62万(直接经费),2017/01-2020/12,已结题,主持

5. 科技部重点研发子专题:中国的世界遗产多样性研究, 35万, 2016/09-2020/12,已结题,主持

6. 海南省自然科学基金:霸王岭热带雨林猿食树种的繁殖物候格局及其驱动因子研究:对海南长臂猿保护的启示.7万,2020/12—2023/12, 在研,主持。

7. 东方市自然资源和规划局:海南东方黑脸琵鹭省级自然保护区2021年中央财政林业改革发展资金(湿地保护修复)项目实施方案;50万;2021/11-2022/11,在研,主持。

8. 横向课题:昌江黎族自治县珠碧江河口湿地红树林生态监测项目. 60万,2021.05-2024.04,在研,主持。

9.海南热带雨林国家公园生物多样性关键区域(KBAs)识别--以吊罗山分局为例. 158万;2022/04-2023/12,在研,主持。



1.Xue Q, Zeng X, Yanjun Du*, Long, W. 2023. Reproductive Phenology and Climatic Drivers of Plant Species Used as Food by the Hainan Gibbon, Nomascus hainanus (Primates: Hylobatidae). Forests,14,1732.

2.Wang X, Morin X, Zhang J, Chen G, Mao L, Chen Y, Song Z, Yanjun Du*, Ma K.2023. Geographical patterns and determinants in plant reproductive phenology duration. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1199316

3.Xiu Zeng, Yanjun Du*, Yann Vitasse. 2023. Untangling winter chilling and spring forcing effects on spring phenology of subtropical tree seedlings. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 335,109456

4.Yanjun Du, Zhao Y, Dong S, Chen G, Wang X and Ma K.2022. The Diversity Distribution and Climatic Niche of Samara Species in China. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:895720.

5.Yuan-qi Pan, Xiu Zeng, Wen-de Chen, Xin-ran Tang, Kui Dai, Yanjun Du*, Xiqiang Song. 2021. Chilling rather than photoperiod controls budburst for gymnosperm species in subtropical China. Journal of Plant Ecology, rtab076.

6.Zhuqiu Song, Yanjun Du*, Richard Primack, Abraham Miller-Rushing, Wanhui Ye, Zhongliang Huang*.2021. Surprising roles of climate in regulating flowering phenology in a subtropical ecosystem. Ecography, 44(9), 1379-1390.

7.Danfeng Li, Yanjun Du*,Wubing Xu, Danxiao Peng, Richard Primack, Guoke Chen, Ling FengMao, KepingMa*. 2021.Phylogenetic conservatism of fruit development time in Chinese angiosperms and the phylogenetic and climatic correlates. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01543.

8.Zhuqiu Song, Yongshuo H. Fu, Yanjun Du*, Zhongliang Huang*. 2021. Global warming increases latitudinal divergence in flowering dates of a perennial herb in humid regions across eastern Asia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 296, 108209.

9.YanjunDu, DanfengLi, XiaoboYang, DanxiaoPeng, XinranTang, HuiLiu, DonghaiLi*, XiaojiangHong, Xiqiang Song*. 2020. Reproductive phenology and its drivers in a tropical rainforest National Park in China: Implications for Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24, e01317

10.Yanjun Du, Lingfeng Mao, Simon A. Queenborough, Richard Primack, Liza S. Comita, Arndt Hampe*, Keping Ma*.2020.Macro-scale variation and environmental predictors of flowering and fruiting phenology in the Chinese angiosperm flora. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 2303-2314.

11.Zhuqiu Song, Yongshuo H. Fu,Yanjun Du*, Lin Li, Xuejun Ouyang,Wanhui Ye, Zhongliang Huang*.2020. Flowering phenology of a widespread perennial herb shows contrasting responses to global warming between humid and non-humid regions. Functional Ecology,34 (9),1870-1881.

12.Zhuqiu Song,Xiqiang Song,Yuanqi Pan,Kui Dai,Jiajun Shou, Qin Chen, Jiaxin Huang, Xinran Tang, Zhongliang Huang, YanjunDu*. 2020. Effects of winter chilling and photoperiod on leaf-out and flowering in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in China. Forest Ecology and Management, 458,117766.

13.Yanjun Du, Bo Yang, Si-Chong Chen, Keping Ma*. 2019. Diverging shifts in spring phenology in response to biodiversity loss in a subtropical forest. Journal of Vegetation Science,30,1175-1183.

14.Yanjun Du, Yuanqi Pan, Keping Ma*. 2019. Moderate chilling requirement controls budburst for subtropical species in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 278,107693

15.Yuan Zhao, Honglin Cao, Wubing Xu, Guoke Chen, Juyu Lian, Yanjun Du*, Keping Ma. 2018. Contributions of precipitation and temperature to the large scale geographic distribution of fleshy-fruited plant species: Growth form matters. Scientific Reports, 8, 17017

16.Yanjun Du, Jingru Chen, Charles G. Willis, Zhiqiang Zhou, Tong Liu, Wujun Dai, Yuan Zhao, Keping Ma*. 2017. Phylogenetic conservatism and trait correlates of spring phenological responses to climate change in northeast China. Ecology and Evolution,7(17), 6747-6757.

17.Yanjun Du, Simon A. Queenborough, Lei Chen, Yunquan Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Keping Ma*, Liza S. Comita. 2017. Intraspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent seedling recruitment in a subtropical evergreen forest. Oecologia, 184, 193-203.

18.Yanjun Du, Lingfeng Mao, Queenborough Simon, Freckleton Robert, Bin Chen, Keping Ma*. 2015. Phylogenetic constraints and trait correlates of flowering phenology in the angiosperm flora of China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(8):928-938.

19.耿松涛 唐洁 杜彦君. 2021. 中国国家公园发展的内在逻辑与路径选择.《学习与探索》5, 134-141.

20.龙文兴, 杜彦君, 洪小江, 臧润国, 杨琪, 薛荟.2021.海南热带雨林国家公园试点经验.生物多样性 29 (3), 328-330.

21.潘元琪, 杜彦君*,陈文德,赵袁. 2020. 植物物候是否能解释物种共存:以浙江古田山亚热带常绿阔叶林为例. 中国科学(生命科学), 50(4), 362-372.

22.赵袁, 杜彦君*,曹洪麟*,胡小丽,马克平. 2016. 浙江古田山亚热带常绿阔叶林开花和结实物候的种间种内差异. 中国科学(生命科学),46, 1312-1323.

23.谢宗强, 申国珍, 周友兵, 樊大勇, 徐文婷, 高贤明, 杜彦君, 熊高明, 赵常明, 祝燕, 赖江山. 2017. 神农架世界自然遗产地的全球突出普遍价值及其保护.生物多样性, 25, 490-497.

24.樊大勇, 高贤明, 杜彦君, 申国珍, 徐文婷, 熊高明, 赵常明, 周友兵, 谢宗强*. 2017.神农架世界自然遗产地落叶木本植物多样性及其代表性. 生物多样性, 25, 498-503.