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    20 2024.03
张开典 副教授、博士生导师
日期:2024.03.20 点击:


职称:副教授 博士生导师

E-mail: kzhang@hainanu.edu.cn


厦门大学海洋生物学博士,美国康涅狄格大学联合培养博士。长期进行海洋分子生态学研究,包括(1)海洋浮游藻类的生理生化及分子机制研究,利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术,同时结合藻类生理及转录组学分析,揭示了浮游植物磷营养盐吸收的调控策略;(2)造礁石珊瑚中虫黄藻面对海水升温、酸化和污染等环境下的“共生-逃逸”机制研究。目前承担国家重点研发计划子课题一项,省青年基金一项。近五年发表SCI论文20余篇,以第一/通讯作者身份在Global Change Biology、Molecular Ecology、Communications Biology等国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文12篇。










(1)Li, J., Zhang, K.*, Li, L., Wang, Y. and Lin, S*. Phosphorus nutrition strategies in a Symbiodiniacean species: Implications in coral‐alga symbiosis facing increasing phosphorus deficiency in future warmer oceans. Global Change Biology, 2023, 29(23): 6558–6571. [IF: 11.7;中科院一区TOP]

(2)Zhang K#., Li J#., Wang J., Lin X., Li L., You Y., Wu X., Zhou Z., Lin S*. Functional differentiation and complementation of alkaline phosphatases and choreography of DOP scavenging in a marine diatom, Molecular Ecology, 2022, 31(12):3389-3399. [IF: 4.9;中科院一区TOP]

(3)Zhang K., Zhou Z., Li J., Wang J., Yu L., Lin S*. SPX related genes regulate phosphorus homeostasis in the marine phytoplankton, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Communications Biology, 2021, 4(1):797. [IF: 5.9;中科院一区TOP]

(4)Zhang K., Shen Z., Yang W., Guo J., Yan Z., Li J., Lin J., Cao X., Tang J., Liu Z., Zhou Z*., Lin S. Unraveling the metabolic effects of benzophenone-3 on the endosymbiotic dinoflagellate Cladocopium goreaui, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 13:1116975. [IF: 5.2;中科院区TOP]

(5)Zhang, K., Wu, Z., Liu, Z.*, Tang, J., Cai, W., An, M., & Zhou, Z.* Acute hypoxia induces reduction of algal symbiont density and suppression of energy metabolism in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 191, 114897. [IF 5.8中科院区]

(6)Zhang, K.#*, Li, J.#, Cheng, J., & Lin, S.* Alkaline Phosphatase PhoD Mutation Induces Fatty Acid and Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (LC-PUFA)-Bound Phospholipid Production in the Model Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Marine Drugs, 2023, 21(11), 560. [IF: 5.4;中科院区TOP]

(7)Li, J.#, Wu, S.#, Zhang, K.*, Sun, X., Lin, W., Wang, C. and Lin, S*. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat/CRISPR-Associated Protein and its utility all at sea: Status, challenges, and prospects. Microorganisms. 2024, 12(1): 118. [IF: 4.5;中科院二区]

(8)Cheng, J., Zhang, C., Zhang, K.*, Li, J., Hou, Y., Xin, J., ... & Xu, W. Cyanobacteria-Mediated Light-Driven Biotransformation: The Current Status and Perspectives. ACS Omega. 2023, 8(45): 42062-42071. [IF: 4.1;中科院三区]

(9)Cheng, J., Zhang, K.*, Hou, Y*. The current situations and limitations of genetic engineering in cyanobacteria: a mini review. Molecular Biology Reports, 2023, 50, 5481–5487. [IF: 2.8;中科院区]

(10)Li J., Zhang K*., Li L., Wang Y., Lin S*. Unsuspected functions of alkaline phosphatase PhoD in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Algal Research, 2022, 68:102873. [IF: 5.1;中科院二区]

(11)Zhang K.#, Li J.#, Zhou Z., Huang R., Lin S*. Roles of alkaline phosphatase PhoA in algal metabolic regulation under phosphorus-replete conditions, Journal of Phycology, 2021, 57(3):703-707. [IF: 2.9;中科院三区]

(12)Zhou Z#*., Zhang K#., Wang L., Su Y., Wang J., Song T., Yang X., Tang J., Lin S*. Nitrogen availability improves the physiological resilience of coral endosymbiont Cladocopium goreaui to high temperature, Journal of Phycology, 2021, 57(4):1187-1198. [IF: 2.9;中科院三区]